Will Gold Bounce in 2016?
Today we take a look at a possible trade setup that could form in the next few months in gold.
Don’t Get Fooled By Options Probabilities
Lately I have been seeing more and more newsletter authors beginning to offer options advice. Often I find them advocating a trade by suggesting it is likely to succeed because it has a certain probability of success. If a trade is touted as having a 91.3% chance of success it …
Japanese Yen Wrap-Up

Back in November we made the case that USDJPY appeared to be finishing an Elliott wave triangle and that a setup was developing with good risk/reward characteristics. We also reviewed the trade setup in a November webinar that was archived in case you missed it. The objective of …
11/20/2013 Webinar Recording – Japanese Yen and More

Back in October we looked at a trade setup in the Japanese Yen. We update the trade setup in this webinar and also talk about how reading “the language of the markets” helps to manage trades.
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To download this video right-click the download link …
Japanese Yen Trade Setup

Today we take a look at an interesting trade setup in the Japanese Yen. Please note that the video is looking at USD/JPY in the spot forex markets and the possibility that USD/JPY may go up from here. Symbols like 6J in the futures markets trade inverse to USD/JPY so …
What’s Next for Crude?

I just put together a 15 minute video on my outlook for crude oil using our Voodoo Lines indicator. Hopefully you will find it useful whether or not you trade crude as the techniques used work on all the symbols available with Voodoo Lines. Even if you don’t use …
What You Don’t Know About Your Futures Data Can Hurt You

I have gotten many questions about futures data recently and decided to take some time and explain some of the most important issues to consider when thinking about what data to plot. If you never imagined that there are choices to consider then look at this quick example using 10 …
Europe Collapsing, Poor Jobs Report, Fiscal Cliff Looming: What’s Next?

Below is a free video report containing our current market outlook. It was sent to subscribers of our Elliott Squawk service on June 3, 2012 and we are now providing it to everyone for free. Because market conditions change, we update our outlook every weekday. If you find this analysis …
Were You Watching Dow 13,000 or 13,004?

Today, the buzz in markets seemed to be about the Dow finally reaching 13,000. While many traders were paying attention to the round number, we had our eyes trained just a little bit higher at 13, 004.81. Why, because that is a FibGrid level and we know from watching …
December 19th MotiveWave Webinar Archive
Our December 19th MotiveWave webinar provided an overview of the Elliott wave capabilities of the software. We have a follow-up webinar scheduled for January 9th at 8pm EST to provide some tips and tricks for getting the most out of the MotiveWave software when managing wave counts. …