Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category
FWTrader Indicators Now for eSignal
You asked us for our indicators on eSignal and we’ve delivered. In the process, we’ve also become eSignal converts and use the platform for charting every day. It is fast, reliable, and even looks good, too.
Now available on eSignal are:
FibGrid – our most popular (and perhaps most powerful) indicators.
DynaRange – a tool for anticipating support […]
MotiveWave Webinars Scheduled
The more we use the new MotiveWave platform to manage all our wave counts the more impressed we become. We have written before about some of the impressive features, but figured a set of webinars would be an even better way to introduce this tool which we now consider indispensable.
On December 19th we will […]
Discover MotiveWave
One of our Elliott Squawk subscribers just turned me on to a great new charting package, MotiveWave. It’s pretty easy to grow immune to hype when it comes to claims made about trading products, but for Elliott Wave counters this thing ROCKS!!! Really!
I have only been using it for a few days and I already […]
Introducing The Complete Elliott Wave Course for Traders
Elliott waves are the most powerful market analysis technique we’ve come across. At the same time, existing resources for learning about waves are limited. So we’ve created a new, comprehensive training course on wave theory that is unlike anything we’ve seen before. Once you master Elliott waves discover powerful techniques to:
identify trends;
anticipate reversals;
avoid areas of […]
Why Count Waves on a 1 Minute Chart?
We are often asked “why count waves on a 1 minute chart, that seems like a lot of work?”. It does take time and it is work. However, after showing you in this video why we get down to the miniscule wave to look for low risk high reward opportunities, you might decide that it’s […]
August 21st Webinar Archive
Our August 21st webinar was devoted to discussing our current market outlook for U. S. equities. If you couldn’t make it or want to review, we have a recording available.
The recordings are available in two formats. The most flexible is the NetViewer format which requires the NetViewer player. To download this version right-click […]